Friday, November 2, 2012

Old Libraries Have A Mystique Aura About Them

Entering into a library and seeing thick rich carpets, old books, new books, creaky wide panel flooring excites me; there's just a romance about the place that gives a delightful chill when wandering around.  Dragging my fingers over the spines of books and hearing the whispered stories coming from them, I am intrigued to pull one off the shelf and read it to discover all the secrets, adventures, and mysteries the pages hold for me while I decipher the meaning of the story and think about what comes next or rather what doesn't come next   I love all libraries, but old ones have a mystique aura about them that captivates me.

Sarah and I went apple picking with Josh. This is me on a mean old looking tractor.

I am holding an apple picking thingy...

Love the view behind us. It drizzled a bit which I was very happy with. What better way is there to spend a afternoon than wandering through an orchard in the rain? I leisurely picked apples and occasionally decided to be adventurous and go for that apple way up high, the one out of reach, almost out of sight but you notice it out of the corner of your eye.  The apples were scrumptious, in case you were wondering. :-)

And this is an outfit I put together not particularly for Halloween, but for everyday wear.  Yes, okay I dress like fictional characters.  What 14 year old girl with an imagination and crazy ideas doesn't?

These are just some funny little tidbits I giggled over for um a "couple" minutes... or maybe more like 20?

*snicker, snicker*

~ Lyddie