Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weekend Happenings

On Saturday my brother, Caleb, had his first baseball game.  His team hadn't even had any practices yet!  I was at the baseball field from 9:30a.m to 2:30p.m.  Not a fun day! Plus, it was so cold and windy, but I was smart enough to bring a quilt.  My face did get a wind burn\sun burn though.  Caleb sat on the bench for the first few innings, and then he went in to play third base.  When up at bat, he got hit in the arm by a wild throw from the pitcher, ( so much for all his big talk about hitting a home run first time at bat!) so, he got a walk. You can see the picture of him up above.  His jersey is #12.  His team one 11 to 5.  Oh, on Saturday night my Mom and I decided at the last minute to go see Soul Surfer at the theaters.  It's based on the true story about Bethany Hamilton.  For those of you who don't know, Bethany is a surfer in Hawaii who was attacked by a shark and because of that she lost her arm, but she didn't give up her surfing. The story is about how she fought to get back on the board.  It's a really good movie.  Testing starts Tuesday!  I've been studying all week for it.  I've been bugging my Mom all month to order my school books for the summer.  Recently I've been filming Phineas, the family's pet guinea pig,  but he just sits there!  I cleared an area in my bedroom for him to run around, but he just sat there for an hour.  If I ever catch him on video doing something, I'll be sure to post it here on my blog.  Right now I'm reading The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis.  Here is a short passage of Screwtape's letter (the senior demon writing to Wormwood his apprentice):   " The patient has made some new friends—just the kind Screwtape likes. They are bright, funny, skeptical, wealthy, and worldly. Encouraging these sorts of friendships is just the thing Wormwood should be doing. Screwtape warmly approves."
"Although the patient will soon realize his faith is at odds with the way these people think and live, he may not defend it or assert it with them, and he may become so influenced by them that he willabandon his beliefs. He may not realize, in the modern age, that the choice of friends, the use of one's time, and worldly vanities are things the Christian really must be careful about. These old-fashioned virtues have fallen by the wayside. The patient may even be encouraged to pass such concerns off as "Puritanism", ----and may I remark in passing that the value we have given to that word is one of the really solid triumphs of the last 100 years?" 
I am looking forward to going to the homeschool convention next Friday.  I will blog about that afterwards.  ~ Lydia

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