Monday, July 18, 2011

I was catapulted into the water, I eulogize about my nook, and um other things.

I was out in the back yard watching Sarah swim in the pool when the next thing I knew I was being lifted and thrown into the pool!  Clothes and all.  My dad thought it was the funniest thing ever.  Ha--ha.  I need to think up something good to get him back....   I just finished reading my literature book and I learned that Washington Irving was known as the first American author of creative stories and sketches; James Fenimore Cooper was considered our first novelist; and William Cullen Bryant was our first eminent poet.  All three were great writers.  I have read a couple of books by James Cooper and Washington Irving, but I don't think I've read any by William Bryant.... I'll have to check out some of his poems.  They're mostly about nature .
My mom recently printed up a couple of lists of high school/college books that everyone should read, and I'm determined to read them all before I finish high school.  I've started with The Mill on the Floss by George Elliot.  It should take me a good year to get through all the books on the list.  There are about 250 books in all!  I'm going to put most of them on my nook, and since all of them are considered  to be classics,  I'll be able to get them for free at Barnes & Nobles and download them directly to my nook.  It'll be a lot easier reading them on the nook, because when I come across a word in a book I'm not familiar with  I can just put my finger on the word and it will immediately look up the definition in the dictionary.  Amazing right?!!  So much easier too, rather then taking the time to write it out on paper and then having to look them up later in the dictionary.

I am so looking forward to Wednesday morning!!  My amazing friend Rowan is coming over and we're going to go to Samson's Island.  We're going early in the morning because I'm hoping it'll be empty of people.  : )

These are some pictures of me in the morning with Phinneas.

He is so fun to play with.  : )

And these are some photos of Sarah and I at the beach.  Oh, and two more pictures of the sunset that I took as we were leaving the beach.

Well, I've got to go finish up some school and we're leaving soon to take Mom to work.

~ Lyddie 

1 comment:

  1. I recognize that dress....I wore it myself 20 years ago. Oh, to be thin (and young) again!! Sighing, ~ Mom
