Thursday, November 3, 2011

Just When I thought My Dental Woes Were Over...

Without saddle. Aka going native. 
With western saddle.
And this is Sarah on the lunge line riding Willow. (Willow is in the line from Secretariat).

This is a cute Oreo cookie pop my mom made.  She got the idea from a cool website called pinterest.
It's an Egyptian mummy. : )
So, last night being October 31, I had this LOTR night planned.  I had never seen the extended editions for  all three movies.  I started them at 6:30 pm and ended at 6:00 am the next morning.  It took me 12 hours just about to watch them all!!  I can't believe I went through the night.  It was really fun though.  There were a ton of scenes in the movies that I had never seen before.  I also made Elven Lembras bread.  I made the leaf out of fun foam.  : ) Oh, I also cooked a buffalo dip which is outrageously delicious.
Last Thursday I had the misfortune of having my wisdom teeth extracted.  I didn't think it would be so soon but apparently it is better and easier to have them out before the roots grow too deep.  I was put on anesthesia so I don't quite recall much about what happened.  I do remember having my IV put in, my heart monitor, breathing monitor, and blood pressure attached to me as well.  When I started breathing in the gas I had the funny feeling that my body wasn't there and I felt all floaty.  All went well, thank God, and I came home safe and sound.  The good part is I got to relax for 3 days on the couch reading, and watching movies and eating a ton of ice cream. : ) The bad part; I had enormous chipmunk cheeks for almost a week.  Yeah, there was a lot of swelling on my jaw.  Not fun. : (
Okay this eraser is so cool.  We bought it at Job Lot.  Mom says we bought it for Caleb. *snicker, snicker*

Okey dokey that's all!

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